If you can partition the data in this fashion across two machines, then each takes half the overall load and you have doubled your performance and throughput over that of one machine. 如果在两台机器上以这种方式分区数据,那么每台机器可以承担一半的负载,因此您的性能和一台机器的吞吐量就翻了一倍。
In order to achieve parallelism during the load, you can manually create multiple LOAD jobs, one for each partition or alternatively, you can load multiple partitions within a single LOAD utility. 为了在装载过程中实现并行性,可以手动地创建多个LOAD任务,每个分区对应一个任务,或者,也可以在单个LOAD实用程序中装载多个分区。
Each partition can be assigned to a separate server to handle the client load or to accommodate limits on the number of entries that can be stored by a server. 每一个分区都可以分配给单独的服务器,以处理客户端的负荷,或者适应可以存储在一个服务器上条目数量的限制。
For example, DB2 LOAD could run simultaneously on each partition, splitting the load operation up in parallel across the servers. 例如,DB2LOAD可以在每个分区上同时运行,负载操作可以并行地分摊到多个服务器上。
The IPL interrogates the partition table and subsequently is able to load data wherever it may exist on the various media. IPL查询分区表,从而能够加载位于不同介质上任意位置的数据。
Finite element method ( FEM) was used to partition the area of buried cables with outer heat sources and calculate the temperature field with given cable load. 利用有限元法对有外部热源的直埋电缆区域进行剖分,计算了给定电缆负荷的温度场。
This paper presented a new scheme based on disk striping and GEP to solve the problem, including the file partition algorithm based on disk striping and the file allocation algorithm for load balance. 提出了一种采用基因表达式编程(GEP)来实现基于分条技术的磁盘动态负载均衡的算法。
A recursive spectral bisection method is applied to partition non-structured triangular meshes in parallel CFD for the treatment of load balance and minimum cut graph bisection. 将递归谱对剖分方法应用于流体力学并行计算中的非结构网格分割,以解决负载平衡和最小切割问题。
The paper conducts partition and comparison of pollution load within the basin during 1991~ 1999 period by taking Shaanxi Section of Weihe River basin as an example and using separation method of hydrograph and rainfall differential technique respectively. 以渭河流域陕西段为实例,分别运用径流分割法、降雨量差值法对流域内1991~1999年污染负荷进行了分割,并进行相互比较。
In this paper, the parallel computation of 2D elastic solid using fast multipole Boundary Element Method is presented, including the partition scheme of adaptive tree, parallel process of iterative method and load balancing in a distributed storage environment. 本文给出了二维快速多极边界元法弹性静力学问题的并行算法,包括针对分布式存储环境下的自适应树结构的划分方案、负载均衡的实现、以及迭代算法的并行处理。
Our paper discusses several fields concerning parallelization, such as data partition, load balance, parallel optimization etc. These improvements enable ETL process to make full use of computer resources and improve ETL process execution efficiency. 论文讨论了并行化涉及的逻辑等价性、负载均衡、分片策略、并行优化等内容,使得ETL过程可以充分利用计算机系统资源,提高了执行效率。
Conclusion: These results may be widely used as the partition of the disease load in the population among the factors in the course of studying chronic diseases. 结论:所建立的方法可广泛应用于慢性病研究中人群疾病负荷在各因素间分割。
The main idea of the multilevel optimization method is to partition the load cases into several levels according to their magnitude. 分层优化方法的基本思想是按载荷大小分为几个层次,后面层次的拓扑优化以前面层次得到的最优拓扑为基础,通过逐层优化,最终得到最优结构。
According to problems of insufficient attention in partition load and limitation in load calculation of floor, calculation method of equivalent averagely distributed load of partition in cast-in-place slab floor is elaborated and some conclusions are concluded. 针对建筑隔墙荷载不受重视,在结构整体计算中楼面上荷载计算的局限性,详细介绍了现浇楼板上隔墙等效均布荷载的计算方法,并总结了几点结论。
Optimization Method for Sector Partition Based on Control Work load 依据管制工作负荷的扇区优化新方法
It also uses BEA's TUXEDO transaction middleware and associated database partition technology to conduct the data input parallel processing and load balance, and resolve the processing bottleneck problem of large volume data input and the problem of smooth expansion of hardware and software. 采用BEA公司TUXEDO交易中间件和相应的数据库分区技术进行数据入库的并行处理和负载均衡,解决大数据量入库的处理瓶颈和软硬件的平滑扩充问题。
For computation-intensive applications, inter-task communication is negligible, so such a job is divided into some sub-jobs, and different sub-jobs are assigned onto different clusters respectively. Here, job partition is made by grid load balancing. 对于计算密集的应用,任务间通信是可忽略的,故一个这样的作业被划分为若干子作业,不同的子作业被分别指派到不同的机群,该作业划分是根据网格负载平衡完成的。
We partition admittance matrix of the whole system as needed. We work out the admittance matrix of the boundary nodes by the matrix operation of block matrix, equivalence power and the equivalence load of the outer net. 我们将全网的导纳矩阵根据需要进行分块,并通过分块矩阵运算计算出等值后边界节点间的导纳矩阵、外网的等值发电、外网的等值负荷。
The granularity of metadata partition has an important impact on many aspects of metadata processing, such as concurrency controlling, cache utilization, load balancing and system scalability. 元数据分割粒度在很多方面对元数据的处理都起着非常重要的影响,例如并发控制、缓存的使用、负载均衡和系统的可扩展性。
Considering the computational properties of 4D-Var, an observation hybrid data partition algorithm is proposed according to the observation types, which effectively solves the load imbalance while calculating the observation space resulting from the randomly-distributed observations. 针对四维变分同化的计算特点,提出了基于类型的观测资料混合数据划分算法,有效地解决了由于观测资料的随机分布导致的观测空间计算负载不平衡。
Thus, this paper points out that when use the partition type task air conditioning, the cooling load is less than the total cooling load in the room. 由此,本文着重指出使用隔板工位送风时的空调设计负荷应小于室内的全部冷负荷。
The method to partition load area is presented, and the ways to routing optimal problem and analyzing reliability are determined. 提出了供电区域分区的方法,确定了优化布线和可靠性分析的方法。
First the dissertation defines a zone-network diagram for distribution system reliability evaluation based on feeder partition method. Load zone based technique, failure zone based technique and zone-network based technique are proposed for failure effect analysis. 本文首先在馈线分区的基础上定义了配电系统可靠性评估的区域网络图,提出了基于负荷区域、基于故障区域和基于区域网络的三种方法进行故障影响分析。
In the design for the MPEG II section filters, we have changed the former software filter to hardware filter for the interface module of the partition ( SECTION), thus reduced the CPU load, greatly enhanced the operational speed. 在设计中,对MPEGⅡ分段(SECTION)过滤改变了以往使用软件过滤的办法而采用分段(SECTION)接口模块实行硬件过滤,从而减少了CPU的负荷,大大提高了芯片的工作速度。
Propose the partition identity-based load balancing algorithms. Avoid the problem of routing overhead increased, which is bring to by the traditional load balancing algorithms such as virtual server. 3. 提出了基于分割标识的DHT负载均衡算法,在实现负载均衡效果的同时,避免了传统虚拟服务器方式带来的路由开销增大的问题。
Using the different partition methods, the result indicate that delay affects system load balancing efficiency, by comparing respective system balancing time. 通过比较不同划分策略时的系统平衡时间,说明了时延对系统负载平衡效率的影响。
And a series partition tuning optimization method was proposed to reduce computational load and model solving difficulty. 并根据电网的特点,提出了采用串式调优法的分区优化方法,以降低计算量及模型求解难度。